Working in partnership with experienced roofers, inpectors, surveyors and/or building professionals, we offer a cost effective all in one solution for residential, commerical,  industrial and historic roof inspections no matter how large or small the building.

For a roof survey we can also work alongside an RISC surveyor (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) supplying the necessary photography and video footage allowing them to create a RISC approved roof or building survey.

For an inspection we offer you, aerial building, chimney, spire and tower inspections using video and photography.

We can supply you with up to 4k video and high resolution photographs of the most hard to reach structures, giving you a cost effective inspection whilst avoiding expensive cherry pickers or scaffolding. There is no need to for anyone to leave the ground so the project is obviously much safer.


Thermographic Technology

We can use drone technology to identify leaks, mould and rot. Sometimes traditional methods will include guess and check methods which can be costly and inefficient and can involve removal of the building exterior.

Utilising thermal technology we can identify defects and anomalies and provide an accurate inspection report that include plans for repair and replacement.


We Are Here To Help With Your Drone Service Needs

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